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Directions to the Governors Island Ferry.
Governors Island, a free seven minute ferry ride from the Battery Maritime Building (10 South Street), located adjacent to the Saten Island ferry in Lower Manhattan. Click here for the ferry schedule, and here for directions by bike.

Departing Manhattan

The Governors Island Ferry departs from the Battery Maritime Building located adjacent to the Staten Island Ferry in Lower Manhattan. The ferry terminal is accessible as follows:

By Subway
1 – South Ferry Station
4 or 5 to Bowling Green
W or R to Whitehall Street

By Bus
M1 (weekdays only),
M6, M9 and M15

Rebuilding efforts are ongoing and may affect subway service. Visit www.mta.info for advisories, updated every Friday, or call 718-330-1234.

By Car to the Battery Maritime Building
There is no public parking at the Governors Island ferry building.

The Battery Maritime Building is the historic ferry terminal just to the northeast of the Staten Island Ferry Terminal. The Governors Island ferry departs from the northernmost slip of the Battery Maritime Building.

Driving from the East Side:
Take the FDR Drive to Exit 1, South Ferry. As you exit, stay in the left lane and turn left around the (left) u-turn at the end of the street in front of the Staten Island Ferry terminal.

Driving from the West Side:
Take the West Highway around the tip of Lower Manhattan and go through the Battery Underpass. When you emerge from the Underpass, take the first exit, Exit 1, Staten Island Ferry. Stay left, and make a left-hand u-turn onto South Street going south. Stay to your turn left and make the (left) u-turn at the end of the street in front of the Staten Island Ferry terminal.

Driving: Local Streets:
Take Broadway south onto Whitehall Street. Turn left onto Water Street. Go one block and turn right onto Broad Street. Go one block and turn right onto South Street. Go to the left land, and make the (left) u-turn at the end of the street in front of the Staten Island Ferry terminal.

Departing Brooklyn

Free ferries to Governors Island depart from the Fulton Ferry Landing in Brooklyn on days when there is scheduled programming on Governors Island.

By Subway
A/C to High Street
2/3 to Clark Street
F to York Street

By Bus
B 25, B 69
These names are the titles of the former officers' houses during Pioneers of Change. Click on each name for the specific program:

To download a map and program (pdf, 580 Kb), click here.
Staten Island /
Staten Eylandt
Pop up store:
100 dollars or less

Bowery /
The luxury of
Silence and Care

Harlem /
Platform21 =
Hempstead /
Christien Meindertsma

Bushwick /

Flushing /
Harvest Map:
Bloomingdale /
Go Slow / Droog, Sloom.org,
Vogelzang and van Halem

Gravesend /
's Gravesande
Drawn from Clay:
Atelier NL

Brooklyn /
Maarten Baas
Coney Island /
Conyne Eylandt
Painted / Parsons
The New School for Design

Rhode Island /
Roode Eylandt
Open Talks
Dutch Profiles

Greenwhich /
Various objects